Sometimes, bad objects can not be removed from the AOT because when you click them, Axapta crush !! Look up this job:
static void DeleteDamnTables(Args _args) { TreeNode edt, edt2; ; edt = TreeNode::findNode("Data Dictionary\\Tables"); if (edt != null) { edt2 = edt.AOTfindChild("tablename"); if (edt2 != null) edt2.AOTdelete(); } }
2) UtilIdElements solution
Warning: Serious problems might occur if you modify the UtilIdElements table using this or another method. Modify system tables at your own risk. The code:static void Job1(Args _args) { UtilIdElements utilElement; ; ttsbegin; select utilElement where == 'myElementName' && utilElement.utilLevel == utilEntryLevel::cus // any layer && utilElement.recordType == utilElementType::Table; // object type if (utilelement) { utilElement.delete(); ttscommit; info('Record should be deleted now.'); } else { ttsAbort; info('Could not delete record, or it was not found.'); } }