
How to add Search/ Find /Filter functionality to Display method in dynamics AX

Dynamics AX, can retrieve output values by using table field and display method. As we know, usually standard dynamics AX filter functionality is working only for table field. But sometimes we have to do filter functionality for display method too. Below I’m going to explain how to add a filter functionality for Display method.

1.      Here I have added display method (disCustName) to display customer name on the “IND_BusRelation” form. In this form main data source is “smmBusRelTable”.

2.      Change “AutoDeclaration” property from No to Yes of the “disCustName” data field.
3.      Override “context()” method of the “disCustName” data field and add following code.
public void context()
    int             selectedMenu;
    formrun         fr;
    Args            ag;
    Name            strtext;
    querybuilddataSource qb1;
    queryrun    qr;
    query       q;
    PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu(element.hWnd());
    int a = menu.insertItem('Filter By Field');
    int b = menu.insertItem('Filter By Selection');
    int c = menu.insertItem('Remove Filter');

    selectedMenu = menu.draw();
    switch (selectedMenu)
    case -1: //Filter by field
    case a:
            ag = new args('SysformSearch');
            fr = new formrun(ag);
//Reading User entered value for filter process
            strtext = fr.design().controlName('FindEdit').valueStr(); 
//Creating a query for filter
                q   = smmBusRelTable_ds.query();
                qb1 = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(smmBusRelTable));
                qb1 = qb1.addDataSource(TableNum(CustTable));

    case b:   // Filter By Selection
            q   = smmBusRelTable_ds.query();
            qb1 = q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(smmBusRelTable));
            qb1 = qb1.addDataSource(TableNum(CustTable));
    case c :   // Remove Filter
            q   = new Query();
            qb1 = q.addDataSource(tablenum(smmBusRelTable));



4.       Run the form and do right Click on Customer Name field.


How to Count(Sum) of Form in AX 2009

DataSource excuteQuery method
A) Support for multiple DataSources
B) Support the user to filter the data.
C) Support mass of data

    m_qrCount = new QueryRun(smmBusRelTable_ds.queryRun().query().pack());
    m_qbdsCount =   m_qrCount.query().dataSourceNo(1);
    while (m_qrCount.next())
        m_count = any2int(m_qrCount.getNo(1).RecId);


How to rebuild Table Ids - out of sync remedies/prevention

Note that the below was written in 2010 with AX 4.0 and 2009 in mind. 

Sometimes table Id's will become out of sync between environments. The number one way that this is found out is when someone promotes tables that were created after other tables that are unpromoted to a new environment without the 'Import with ID values' checked and then other tables promoted with that check box checked on the import. Remember that AX manages and drives what is in SQL including indexes, fields, relations, etc. 

About table Ids:
SQL uses Table Ids to uniquely identify tables in SQL. AX determines, stores, and manages table Ids, not SQL. For this reason, if table Ids need to be changed, they should be changed through AX. When a SQL refresh

Why it is important to have the table Id's in sync between environments?
Simple answer: SQL refreshes to lower environments are only possible when Id's are in sync. If they are out of sync, there are all sorts of issues that can pop up including data loss. Honestly, there is no reason that ID's should be out of sync as long as everything is managed properly. Be diligent or you're going to have a bad time.

When would you import code without table Id's checked?
If there are multiple development environments where developers are working and will ultimately be moving all code to one environment (e.g. 4 dev environments, 1 test), the id's from the test environment will be where the id's will be created.

How are Id's created in AX?
AX 2012 Ids will not be the same formula as below. AXUtil assigns base Ids at install and new ones regardless of layer increment off of a 6 digit number (eg 105067)
When tables, fields, classes, etc are saved in the AOT, they grab the next available Id based on the layer they are imported into. Each layer has 10000 ids that it can use. The below shows the values of the Ids that would be created based on the layer.
  • BUS – 2xxxx (e.g. 20014)
  • VAR – 3xxxx (e.g. 30014)
  • CUS – 4xxxx (e.g. 40014)
  • USR – 5xxxx (e.g. 50015)
How to correct the scenario where table Id's are out of sync.
There are multiple ways to take care of syncing environments but some methods may be better than others depending on the situation. If different data is needed to be retained in different environments, option 1 below cannot be taken as it would wipe out the data in the non-master environment when the tables are synchronized
  • Syncing all environments based on a single, 'master' environment (more than likely PROD)
    • Put a code freeze on all environments
    • Export any code that is not in the 'master' environment
    • Refresh environments' app folders with the 'master' environment's app folder
    • Reimport unpromoted work back into the appropriate environments making sure that table Id's will not overlap between environments
  • Manually change Table Id's in Notepad from XPO
    • Try exporting the object (with id's), then edit the xpo in notepad to change the id, then reimport the object (with id's) from the edited xpo.
    • Export the tables of interest (specific ones or an entire layer)
    • Import the modified XPO with ID values
  • Manually change Table Id's in AX via X++
    • This can be tricky if you are trying to change an id to a value that is already set to another table. This approach could cause data loss in sync if not careful.
    • Use the following methods to do change the table ids. They're pretty self explanatory
      • The most useful ones
        • ReleaseUpdateDB::changeTableId(_oldTableId, _newTableId, _tableName);
          • Changes the table Id from one value to another
        • ReleaseUpdateDB::changeFieldId(_tableId, _oldFieldId, _newFieldId, _tableName, _fieldName); 
          • Changes the field Id from one value to another.  
      • Other options 
        • ReleaseUpdateDB::changeTableByName(_sqlName, _oldTableId, _newTableId);
        • ReleaseUpdateDB::changeFieldByName(_sqlNameOld, _oldTableId, _newTableId, _fieldIdNew);
        • ReleaseUpdateDB::changeTableByAOTName(_nameAOT, _oldTableId, _newTableId);
        • ReleaseUpdateDB::changeFieldByAOTName(_nameAOT, _oldTableId, _newTableId, _newFieldId)
    • I have some code to do this but you can check sample code here for some ideas. I thought it was pretty solid:http://dev.goshoom.net/en/2011/11/id-change/  Thanks to 

SysDictTable dictTable;
DictField dictField;
TableId tableId;
FieldId fieldId;
SqlDictionary sqlDictionaryTable;
SqlDictionary sqlDictionaryField;
setPrefix("Update of data dictionary IDs");
tableId = dictionary.tableNext(0);
while (tableId){
    dictTable = new SysDictTable(tableId);
    if (!dictTable.isSystemTable())
        //Finds table in SqlDictionary by name in AOT, if ID was changed.
        //Empty field ID represents a table.
        select sqlDictionaryTable
            where sqlDictionaryTable.name == dictTable.name()
            && sqlDictionaryTable.fieldId == 0
            && sqlDictionaryTable.tabId != dictTable.id();
        if (sqlDictionaryTable)
            //Updates table ID in SqlDictionary
            if (ReleaseUpdateDB::changeTableId(
                info(strFmt("Table ID changed (%1 -> %2)", sqlDictionaryTable.tabId, dictTable.id()));
        fieldId = dictTable.fieldNext(0);
        //For all fields in table
        while (fieldId)
            dictField = dictTable.fieldObject(fieldId);
            if (dictField.isSql() && !dictField.isSystem())
                //Finds fields in SqlDictionary by name and compares IDs
                select sqlDictionaryField
                    where sqlDictionaryField.tabId == dictTable.id()
                    && sqlDictionaryField.name == dictField.name()
                    && sqlDictionaryField.fieldId != 0
                    && sqlDictionaryField.fieldId != dictField.id();
                if (sqlDictionaryField)
                    //Updates field ID in SqlDictionary
                    if (ReleaseUpdateDB::changeFieldId(
                        info(strFmt("Field %1 - ID changed (%2 -> %3)",
            fieldId = dictTable.fieldNext(fieldId);
    tableId = dictionary.tableNext(tableId);


Inventory Aging Report analysis



1.     库存账龄与库存周转率
2.     库存账龄分析的目的

3.     库存账龄的计算
入库单号  日期     数量
NO.025    10月5入库200
NO.023    10月4入库300
NO.022    10月3入库300
NO.020    10月2入库400
NO.015    10月1入库100

库存30天以下的金额:   1000
库存30--90天的金额: 2000
库存180天以上的金额:   500
4.     库存账龄标准的设定
1、          按照财务对存货跌价准备的计提的期限设定。比如:财务规定超过180天,存货跌价准备计提比例为2%;超过360天,存货跌价准备计提比例为5%。那么结合库存账龄集中度的表格,对超过180天以上的物料应该立即处理,上面例二中超过180天的500就应该按照比例计提了。对于90天以上的物料应该额外关注。
2、          按照公司制定的存货周转率设定库存账龄标准。举例如下:
3、          按照每种物料的经济批量设定。也就是说,物料的存储时间不应超过经济批量的平均消耗时间。这种计算方式忽略了安全库存对于库存账龄的影响,但是很明显,只适用于在物料均匀比较消耗,标准方差很小的情况下。
4、          参考采购提前期确定,物料的存储时间不应超过采购的周期。显然,这种方法比第3种更容易获得参考值。
5、          如果该物料有保质期,库存账龄超过保质期就是报废了。那么结合ERP系统中的保质期和批次管理,该库存账龄的危险期必然要小于保质期。
5.     ……后续的工作
1、          对于发现积压的物料,不能一概予以同样的关注,因为管理也需要成本的。发动机周转速度变慢,要比标准件积压更可怕。
2、          在库存账龄分析中,用金额表示比用数量表示,更直观,更有效。
3、          对于标准账龄的设定,也是需要不断修正的,因为提高库存的周转速度,降低无效库存为最终目的。
4、          库存账龄分析是事后诸葛亮,是纠正方法,远不如事先控制也就是预防有效。在这点上,与质量管理的原理是一样的。