
How to updated the caller Form/DataSource

If we need to notify events to the caller form we can try this pattern:

In the child form, make a method named updateCaller and invoke it when you want to notify the parent:

void updateCaller()
    Common common;
    Object dataSource;
    Object caller;

    //We are notifying using the dataSource
    common = element.args().record();
    if (common
        && common.isFormDataSource()
        && formDataSourceHasMethod(common.dataSource(), identifierstr(SomethingWasHappend)))
        dataSource = common.dataSource();

    //We are notifying using the form
    caller = element.args().caller();
    if (caller
        && classidget(caller) == classnum(SysSetupFormRun)
        && formHasMethod(caller, identifierstr(SomethingWasHappend)))

Implement the handling method in the parent form:

void SomethingWasHappend()
    info("Something was happend (Form)");

Or if you prefer, in the DataSource:

void SomethingWasHappend()
    info("Something was happend (DataSource)");

Invoking it from a simple button inside the child form:

void clicked()


See a pratical sample in the form MarkupTrans (DataSource -> method write).


How to get Financial Dimensions value 2

static void THK_7519_getFinDimension(Args _args)
    void getDimensionValue(RecId _recIdFinDimension)
        CustTable                         custTable = CustTable::find("1101");
        DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage dimStorage;
        Counter i;

        dimStorage = DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage::find(_recIdFinDimension);//custTable.DefaultDimension);
        setPrefix(strFmt("RecId :%1",_recIdFinDimension));
        for (i=1 ; i<= dimStorage.elements() ; i++)
            info(strFmt("%1,%2 = %3",i,DimensionAttribute::find(dimStorage.getAttributeByIndex(i)).Name,


static void THK_7519_getFinDimensionByName(Args _args)

    DimensionValue getDimensionValue(RefRecID _dimensionSetRecID,Name _attributeName = "Shop_HK")
    DimensionAttributeValueSet      dimAttrValueSet;
    DimensionAttributeValueSetItem  dimAttrValueSetItem;
    DimensionAttributeValue         dimAttrValue;
    DimensionAttribute              dimAttribute;
    dimAttrValueSet = DimensionAttributeValueSet::find(_dimensionSetRecID);

    select firstOnly dimAttrValueSetItem
        where   dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet      == dimAttrValueSet.RecId
    join dimAttrValue
        where   dimAttrValue.RecId                                  == dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValue
    join dimAttribute
        where   dimAttribute.RecId                                  == dimAttrValue.DimensionAttribute
        &&      dimAttribute.Name                                   == _attributeName;

    return dimAttrValue.getValue();

How to force using code printing ranges on report

Business Requirement: printing ranges on a report

This code will be used for print the report ranges in the page header, like if you mark the "Print ranges" checkbox of report print options:

Printing the ranges with which a Report has been executed is only available for a AutoDesignSpecs Design of a Report.


Unfortunately this option is not available for Reports having a Generated Design.

Solution: override executeSection method in PageHeader

You can print the ranges with some X++ code modifications in your report.

  1. Add a PageHeader control to the Report, if there isn’t yet such a control in your Report.
  2. Override the executeSection method of the PageHeader control as follows:
    public void executeSection()
      // BGN Printing ranges
      SysReportRun locSysReportRun;
      // BGN Printing ranges
      locSysReportRun = element;
      // END


How to using code to control the report printer paper Orientation

public void run()

How to pass temp table from Form to report

method 1
dierct pass element from the form's tmptable datasource to the report's datasource on queryrun.setCuror.

public boolean fetch()
queryRun qr;
FormDataSource formDataSource;

qr = new QueryRun(this.query());

if (qr.prompt())
formDataSource = element.args().record().dataSource();

while (qr.next())
tmpAssetConsumptionProposal = qr.get(tableNum(TmpAssetConsumptionProposal));
return true;

return false;
using pass paramters element to report
RecordSortedList sortedList1;
Args args;

args = new Args();
sortedList1= new recordSortedList(tableNum(table1));
while select table1
new MenuFunction(…).run(args); //pass to report

on report
Table1 table1;
recordSortedList sortedList1;
sortedList1 = element.args().object();
if (sortedList1.first(table1))
print table1.field1;
print table1.field1;


How to using code to retrieve dimension value

The following code snippet will return a specific financial dimension value attached to a record. It can be used for example to retrieve the cost center attached to a customer.

DimensionValue getDimensionValue(RefRecID dimensionSetRecID,Name attributeName) 
    DimensionAttributeValueSet      dimAttrValueSet;
    DimensionAttributeValueSetItem  dimAttrValueSetItem;
    DimensionAttributeValue         dimAttrValue;
    DimensionAttribute              dimAttribute;
    dimAttrValueSet = DimensionAttributeValueSet::find(dimensionSetRecID);
    select dimAttrValueSetItem
        where   dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet      == dimAttrValueSet.RecId
    join dimAttrValue    
        where   dimAttrValue.RecId                                  == dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValue
    join dimAttribute        
        where   dimAttribute.RecId                                  == dimAttrValue.DimensionAttribute
        &&      dimAttribute.Name                                   == attributeName;
    return dimAttrValue.getValue();        
static void THK_7519_defaultDimension(Args _args)
    VendTable                       vendTable;
    DimensionAttributeValueSet      dimAttrValueSet;
    DimensionAttributeValueSetItem  dimAttrValueSetItem;
    DimensionAttributeValue         dimAttrValue;
    DimensionAttribute              dimAttr;
    Common                          dimensionValueEntity;
    vendTable = VendTable::find('22222');
    dimAttrValueSet = DimensionAttributeValueSet::find(vendTable.DefaultDimension);
    while select dimAttrValueSetItem
        where   dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet   == dimAttrValueSet.RecId
        dimAttrValue        = DimensionAttributeValue::find(dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValue);
        dimAttr             = DimensionAttribute::find(dimAttrValue.DimensionAttribute);
        info(strFmt("%1,%2,%3",dimAttr.Name, dimAttrValue.getValue(), dimAttrValue.getName()));

And to retrieve the default cost center attached to a customer:


This code shows the general table relations, but you're better off using the DimensionStorage class/API to read and update individual dimension values.

The following code shows how to check all customers with a specific cost center value:

static void ScanRecordsByDimensionValue(Args _args)

    // Check all customers that have a specific value for cost centre.    
    Name                            attrName = 'CostCenter';
    DimensionValue                  dimValue = 'OU_3566';
    CustTable                       custTable;

    DimensionAttributeValueSet      dimAttrValueSet;
    DimensionAttributeValueSetItem  dimAttrValueSetItem;
    DimensionAttributeValue         dimAttrValue;
    DimensionAttribute              dimAttribute;

    dimAttribute    = DimensionAttribute::findByName('CostCenter');
    dimAttrValueSet = DimensionAttributeValueSet::find(custTable.DefaultDimension);

    while select custTable
    join dimAttrValueSetItem
        where   dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet      == custTable.DefaultDimension
        &&      dimAttrValueSetItem.DisplayValue                    == dimValue
    join dimAttrValue
        where   dimAttrValue.RecId                                  == dimAttrValueSetItem.DimensionAttributeValue
        &&      dimAttrValue.DimensionAttribute                     == dimAttribute.RecId
