
AX users were hung in system

Sometimes, users were hung in AX system and you'll find a user have more than one SPID.

Let's check step by step. For example, we have two users(A and B), A has two spid(A1,A2) and B has two spid(B1,B2)

Execute sp_who in AX database.

A1 has a block spid B2

B1 has block spid A2

So you'll find A is waiting for B and B is waiting for A. It lead two users or more were hung in system.

Execute sp_lock in AX database

SPID ObjID Status

A1 1111111 Grant

A1 1111115 Grant

A1 1111116 Grant

A2 1111112 Grant

B1 1111113 Grant

B2 1111114 waiting

So you'll find B2 is waiting someting for object:111114 and B2 is the root cause of users hung.

Please kill B2 in AX database execute kill B2.

select * from sysobjects where id = '1111114' and you'll find the object name and for your further study.
from: http://www.cnblogs.com/JackyXu1981/archive/2009/04/30/1446827.html

