1.extends runbase
class THK_DialogSelectiveLookup extends RunBase
FormStringControl custGroupCtrl, customerCtrl;
custGroupId _custGroupId;
custAccount _custAccount;
protected Object dialog(Dialog dialog, boolean forceOnClient)
DialogRunBase ret;
ret = super(dialog, forceOnClient);
ret.caption("Test lookup in Dialog");
custGroupCtrl = ret.formBuildDesign().addControl(FormControlType::String, 'CustGroup');
customerCtrl = ret.formBuildDesign().addControl(FormControlType::String, 'Customer');
return ret;
public boolean getFromDialog()
boolean ret;
ret = super();
_custGroupId = custGroupCtrl.text();
_custAccount = customerCtrl.valueStr();
return ret;
public container pack()
return [#CurrentVersion,#CurrentList];
public boolean unpack(container _packedClass)
Version version = RunBase::getVersion(_packedClass);
boolean ret;
switch (version)
case #CurrentVersion:
[version, #CurrentList] = _packedClass;
ret = true;
ret = false;
return ret;
public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase dialog)
custGroupCtrl = dialog.dialogForm().formRun().design().controlName('CustGroup');
customerCtrl = dialog.dialogForm().formRun().design().controlName('Customer');
public boolean Customer_validate()
return true;
// validation code goes here
//ote: The format of the event method name is as follows: fld<ID>_1_<event name>
void Customer_lookup()
Query q = new Query();
queryBuildRange qbr;
SysTableLookup sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(custTable), customerCtrl);
sysTableLookup.addLookupField(fieldNum(custTable, accountNum));
sysTableLookup.addLookupField(fieldNum(custTable, name));
qbr = q.addDataSource(tableNum(custTable)).addRange(fieldNum(CustTable, CustGroup));
//We can add all the other methods as follows
public void Customer_modified()
// modify code goes here
//ote: The format of the event method name is as follows: fld<ID>_1_<event name>
public void run()
info(strfmt("customer group id : %1 ; customer account : %2",_custGroupId,_custAccount));
static void main(Args _args)
THK_DialogSelectiveLookup test1 = new THK_DialogSelectiveLookup();
if (test1.prompt())
How to Overriding method for a control in dialog (RunBase framework)
Can we have an overridden method in a dialog class. I can not use form as a dialog. I have to add a method in the dialog class. Like modified method of an EDT.
Answer:Well it can be done. First you have to add a method dialogPostRun
public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase dialog)
This method actually allows the dialog form to override control method at runtime. Now we need the name of the control at runtine that needs the overriden method. You can get that using
print dialogCustId.name();
where dialogCustId is the EDT. let say the name returned at runtime is Fld3_1.
Now if you have to override lookup method of the EDT you can write the method like this
void Fld3_1_lookup()
//override lookup method here
If you need to override modified method
boolean Fld3_1_modified()
The modified method can also be accessed by overriding
public void dialogSelectCtrl()
in the runbase class. Just call
in the dialog method.
You can also create a dialog form and pass it as the parameter in the dialog method of runbase class. you can find an example in tutorial_runbase class and form.
from : http://msdax.blogspot.com/2007/08/overriding-method-for-control-in-dialog.html
Can we have an overridden method in a dialog class. I can not use form as a dialog. I have to add a method in the dialog class. Like modified method of an EDT.
Answer:Well it can be done. First you have to add a method dialogPostRun
public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase dialog)
This method actually allows the dialog form to override control method at runtime. Now we need the name of the control at runtine that needs the overriden method. You can get that using
print dialogCustId.name();
where dialogCustId is the EDT. let say the name returned at runtime is Fld3_1.
Now if you have to override lookup method of the EDT you can write the method like this
void Fld3_1_lookup()
//override lookup method here
If you need to override modified method
boolean Fld3_1_modified()
The modified method can also be accessed by overriding
public void dialogSelectCtrl()
in the runbase class. Just call
in the dialog method.
You can also create a dialog form and pass it as the parameter in the dialog method of runbase class. you can find an example in tutorial_runbase class and form.
from : http://msdax.blogspot.com/2007/08/overriding-method-for-control-in-dialog.html
How to export license keys that are already loaded in your system
Every now
and then, there is a need to export license keys from a system. I needed to get
into the VAR layer to modify code in a Microsoft VPC, but as we all know,
Contoso license keys don't come with the BUS/CUS/VAR access codes. So I did
what any developer would do:
Disclaimer (ripped from MS)
All code used below is meant for illustration purposes only and is not intended for use in production. The following disclaimer applies to all code used in this blog:
Here is said job, enjoy!
- Write a job to export the Contoso license key file
- Import my company's partner license key file
- DO NOT SYNC when it asks
- Jump in the VAR layer using our layer access code to make my changes real quick
- Import back the Contoso license key file I exported from my job and SYNC
Disclaimer (ripped from MS)
All code used below is meant for illustration purposes only and is not intended for use in production. The following disclaimer applies to all code used in this blog:
Here is said job, enjoy!
static void OutputLicenseToText(Args _args) { #define.licenseVersion(2) #define.KeywordLen(20) #define.keywordLicense('License') #define.keywordProperties('Properties') #define.keywordCodes('Codes') #define.keywordCodeLine('CodeLine') #define.keywordDate('Date') #define.keywordSerial('Serial') #define.keywordValue('Value') #define.blank('') #define.space1(' ') #define.space2(' ') #define.space3(' ') #define.spaceHash(' #') #define.OutputFilename(@'C:\OutputLicenseKeys.txt') #define.keywordInfo(1) #define.keywordWarning(2) SysConfig sysConfig; SysLicenseCodeSort sysLicenseCodeSort; container fileOut; int i; System.IO.StreamWriter sw; InteropPermission perm = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop); ; fileOut += "LicenseVersion " + strfmt("%1", #licenseVersion); fileOut += #blank; fileOut += #keywordLicense + #spaceHash + xSysConfig::find(ConfigType::LicenseName,0).Value; fileOut += #blank; fileOut += #space1 + #keywordProperties; fileOut += #space2 + "Name" + #spaceHash + xSysConfig::find(ConfigType::LicenseName,0).Value; fileOut += #space2 + #keywordSerial + #spaceHash + xSysConfig::find(ConfigType::SerialNo,0).Value; fileOut += #space2 + #keywordDate + #spaceHash + xSysConfig::find(ConfigType::LicenseName,1).Value; fileOut += #space1 + "EndProperties"; fileOut += #blank; fileOut += #space1 + #keywordCodes; // Build CodeLines while select sysConfig where sysConfig.configType == ConfigType::AccessCodes && sysConfig.value != #blank join sysLicenseCodeSort order by SortIdx where sysLicenseCodeSort.Id == sysConfig.id { fileOut += #space2 + #keywordCodeLine + #spaceHash + int2str(sysConfig.id + 1); fileOut += #space3 + #keywordValue + #spaceHash + sysConfig.value; fileOut += #space2 + "EndCodeLine"; fileOut += #blank; } fileOut += #blank; fileOut += #space2 + "EndCodes"; fileOut += #space1 + "EndLicense"; // Begin file output perm.assert(); sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(#OutputFilename); for (i=1; i<=conLen(fileOut); i++) { sw.WriteLine(conPeek(fileOut, i)); } sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); sw.Dispose(); CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); info("License successfully output to " + #OutputFilename); }
About some of interview questions in microsoft dynamics AX
1. Can we 2-tier / 3 tier thick deployment of Dynamics AX is
ANS: No, Only Option available is 3 tier configurations with a thin
2. What type of changes are there in Axapta3.0 and AX4.0 related to
ANS: Axapta3.0 recid is 32 bit. Ax4.0 recid is 64 bit.
3. Can we specify the type of operation a user can perform on table
depending upon user’s permission in Dynamics Ax 4.0?
ANS: Yes using AOSAuthorization table property.
4. What is unit testing framework in Dynamics Ax 4.0?
ANS: Microsoft Dynamics AX now has an integrated Unit Test Framework
built into the MorphX development environment. Unit tests are made as individual
test cases. Each test can include a number of tests in the form of assertions.
Test cases can be contained within test suite classes or as part of a project in
MorphX. Testing can be done from the Unit Test toolbar from which individual
test cases, test suites, or test projects can be executed. Test results can be
viewed from the Unit Test toolbar that indicates the test passed or failed
state, per case and test, and can even include code coverage measures for the
classes and methods that are tested.
Tools à Development Tools à Unit Test
5. What is the difference in Cross Reference of Ax 3.0 and Ax
ANS: Cross-references to other Microsoft Dynamics AX objects are now
name-based and no longer ID-based. If you rename an object, you need to update
all the references to it.
6. What is the difference in Layers of Ax 3.0 and Ax 4.0?
ANS: The GLS layer has now been merged into the SYS layer. A new SE
layer has been introduced. The IDs for the SYS layer are now 1-14000. The IDs
for the SE layer are 14001-16000.
7. What is optimistic concurrency control? And how you can enable it for
a table in Ax 4.0?
· The optimistic concurrency control is enabled for a table by setting
the OccEnabled property on a table or calling the DictTable.occEnabled
· When this mode is enabled, data is not locked from future
modification when it is fetched from the database. Data is locked only when the
actual update is performed.
8. What type of communication is there between Client and Server in
ANS: RPC where as in 3.0 it is socket programming.
9. What type of changes are there in Axapta3.0 and AX4.0 related to
ANS: Axapta3.0 recid is 32 bit. Ax4.0 recid is 64 bit.
10. What we need to consider at the time of installation when
ANS: check box Start the AOS Windows service as part of installation
should be unchecked.
11. Can I have 2-tier installation of AX?
ANS: No. Ax has only 3-tier installation whereas Axapta3.0 supports
both 2-tier and 3-tier.
12. What type of communication is there between Client and Server in
ANS: RPC where as in 3.0 it is socket programming.
13. What type of changes are there in Axapta3.0 and AX4.0 related to
ANS: Axapta3.0 recid is 32 bit. Ax4.0 recid is 64 bit.
14. What are the 4 types of files we need to copy to the standard
ANS: *.aod, *.ahd, *.ald, *.add, *.khd
15. Which file we delete from standard folder?
ANS: axapd.aoi file( Index file).
16. What is Enterprise portal?
ANS: Web enable part of Axapta is called enterprise
17. What business connector enterprise portal uses to connect with
ANS: .Net business connector in AX4.0 COM business connector in 3.0.
18. What type of objects can I expose to enterprise portal?
ANS: Webforms, Webreports, AXreports, Classes. But not
19. What are the two types of WebMenuItems in AX?
ANS: URLs and Actions.
20. What type of WebmenuItem we use for WebReports and
ANS: URL type.
21. What are two types of WebContentItems in AX?
ANS: Display and Output.
22. Can we see the AX form in EP?
ANS: No. we can’t see the AX form in EP.
23. How many default templates are available for enterprise portal in
SharePoint template picker?
ANS: 2
· Microsoft Dynamics Enterprise Portal
· Microsoft Dynamics Public
24. Business connector proxy must be a member of which user groups in AD?
25. Action type WebmenuItem is used to refer what type of object in
ANS: Classes and Jobs.
26. Output type webContent is used to refer what type of objects in
ANS: Web reports and reports.
27. Display type webContent is used to refer what type of objects in
ANS: Web Forms only.
28. Where can I register the site as EP site?
ANS: In administration->setup->Internet->Enterprise
portal->Websites->register website button.
29. What type of weblet we use to display the Axreport or Webreport in
ANS: WebReportweblet.
30. What type of weblet we use to display the Webforms in
ANS: WebFormWeblet.
31. Name few of the Dynamics Ax Weblets.
ANS: WebReportweblet, WebFormWeblet, WebImageWeblet, PageTitleWeblet,
WebMenuBoxWeblet, WebMenuWeblet.
32. Where can we find the AX weblets in sharepoint?
ANS: In virtual server gallery.
33. Why we use virtual companies?
ANS: Virtual company accounts contain data in certain tables that are
shared by any number of company accounts. This allows users to post information
in one company that will be available to another company.
34. To enable the Debugging of X++ what should we do?
ANS: Set the debug mode to “When break point” in Development tab in
tools-> options.
Check “Enable breakpoints to debug X++ code running on this server”
on the server configuration utility to debug the server code.
35. Can we debug the Business connector code running on the
ANS: Yes. By selecting the check box “Enable User break points to
debug code running on the Business connector”.
36. What type of relationship we can define for an extended Data Type
(Multiple ANSwer)
ANS: Single Field Relationship, Conditions on a
37. While implementing ax when it is advisable to setup the virtual
ANS: If you would like to use virtual companies at some time in the
future, it is best to set up the virtual companies from the beginning of the
implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX. This avoids problems with combining
records into a shared table at some time in the future.
38. Before you can create or modify a virtual company account what must
be established?
· The application object server that the administrator is connected to
must be the only one running. All other application object servers must be shut
· Only the administrator who is creating the virtual company account
can be connected; only one active client connection is allowed.
· After you create or modify a virtual company account, you must
restart the Microsoft Dynamics AX client in order to update the client with the
new virtual company account information.
39. How u can check that for a particular SQL call RLS is applied or
ANS: Using Database trace. Database trace should be activated for
this. For RLS applied statements it will show like this salesLine.select ()
40. What is the difference between the Client kernel and Business
connector kernel?
· The Session Manager in the client kernel manages only a single
instance--in the Business Connector kernel, it manages multiple
· The client kernel includes forms security, while the Business
Connector kernel does not.
41. What Type of cache you will apply for most static data
ANS: Found
42. How can we cache a display method of a table?
ANS: By Using CacheAddMethod
43. When there are common methods across tables, which will be the best
option to create?
ANS: Create a map and add those methods and corresponding
44. How can we restrict a class to be further extended?
ANS: using Final Keyword for ex: public final class
45. In Axapta can we use tables as classes?
ANS: Yes
46. If yes Then Can we extend the table as similar to class? If yes then
how it is possible and if no then why?
ANS: No, Tables are by default Final.
47. What all are methods modifiers?
ANS: abstract, client, display, edit, final, public, private,
protected, server, static.
48. I want to put final modifier to new and finalize methods? How can I
do this where I need to right this keyword in method?
ANS: You cannot use Final modifiers for the New and Finalize
49. What are optional parameters?
ANS: It is possible to initialize parameters in the method
declaration. This makes the parameter an optional parameter. If no value is
supplied in the method call, the default value is used.
50. What are local functions?
ANS: With X++, you can embed a function inside a method to create a
local function (or local method). The local functions that you can create in X++
are only visible within the scope where they are defined.
51. How u can get the count of methods in a class?
ANS: Using DictClass methods: staticMethodCount and objectMethodCount
52. Which class will be used for ODBC connection?
ANS: ODBCConnection
53. Which are classes are used for data import export?
ANS: SysDataImport and SysDataExport
54. Which is the base class for these two classes above
ANS: SysDataImportBase and SysDataExportBase.
55. Which class will be used to get the object names, security key names
/ count, configuration key name/ count etc.?
ANS: Dictionary
56. Which is the class used for creating / opening files?
57. How can we get the no of table available in Ax through
ANS: Using Dictionary class object tablecnt method.
58. Which class will be used to get the online users info?
ANS: SysUsersOnline
59. Which is the mandatory parameter needs to be passed while creating
the ODBC connection class object?
ANS: LoginProperty class object.
60. Which all classes will be used to create a com object for excel
ANS: SysExcel, SysExcelApplication, SysExcelApplication_2000,
SysExcelApplication_2007, SysExcelApplication_XP.
Note: There are related classes for opening the workbooks,
worksheets, range, cells. For Ex:SysExcelCell, SysExcelCell_2000,
SysExcelCell_XP, SysExcelCell_2007.
61. How can we get the client computer name through code?
ANS: Class xSession, Method: clientComputerName()
62. Do you know about List class in Dynamics Ax? Why it is
ANS: Lists are structures that can contain values of any X++ type.
All the values in the list must be of the same type.
63. Which function is used to get current user name in Ax?
ANS: Curusrid();
64. Which function is used to change the company through
ANS: ChangeCompany(‘companyName’);
65. From which table u can get the user permissions stored in
ANS: AccessRightList table.
66. What is the use of VirtualDataAreaList table?
ANS: This table stores the list of virtual companies available in
Dynamics Ax.
67. What all are aggregate functions available in select statement of
ANS: sum | avg | minof | maxof | count
Options = [(order by | group by) FieldIdentifier [ asc | desc
68. What is the use of update method?
ANS: Updates the current record with the contents of the
69. When one should use doUpdate?
ANS: The doUpdate method should be used when the update
method on the table is to be bypassed.
70. What is the difference between X++ and SQL sort command in select
ANS: X++ does not allow group by and order by clauses in the same
select statement. This means that explicit sorting is not possible. SQL does
allow group by and order by clauses to be in the same statement.
71. What should we use to increase performance while inserting, updating
or deleting records from a table?
· RecordSortedList:
Allows you to insert multiple records in one database trip. Use the
RecordSortedList construct when you want a subset of data from a particular
table, and when you want it sorted in an order that does not currently exist as
an index.
· RecordInsertList:
Allows you to insert multiple records in one database trip. Use the
RecordInsertList construct when you do not need to sort the data.
· insert_recordset:
Allows you to copy multiple records from one or more tables directly into
another table on a single database trip.
· update_recordset:
Allows you to update multiple rows in a table on a single database
· delete_from
Allows you to delete multiple records from the database on a single database
72. Do forms support Inheritance?
73. What is must to be declared for a control to get accessed anywhere in
the form?
ANS: In the control properties set the Auto declaration property to
74. What should we do if we need last record to be active when a form is
ANS: In properties of datasource table set the StartPosition property
as last.
75. What are the different link types available?
· Active
· Delayed
· Passive
· InnerJoin
· OuterJoin
· ExistsJoin
· NotExistsJoin
76. What are the three basic nodes found in Forms Node?
· Methods
· Data Sources
· The Data source defines the interface between the form and the
· Design
· The design of the form defines the interface between the form and the
user and controls the layout and presentation of the data.
77. What for Formrun Kernel class and FormDataSource Kernel Class are
· Formrun Kernel class is used to control the Startup and Shutdown of
the form.
· FormDataSource Kernel Class contains the methods which are used for
Displaying, Validating and Updating data in forms.
· The objects for each data source and data fields defined are
inherited form which kernel class?
· (Data Source)FormDataSource which has methods related to displaying,
validating, and updating data.
· (Data Field)FormDataObject which has methods related to field
specific navigation (filter, lookup, jump to main table etc.), validating and
modifying the field.
78. What properties are to be used and set in a form for automatically
creating a new record in it?
· Set the InsertIfEmpty Property to yes if the forms do not find any
· Set the InsertAtEnd Property to yes if the user browses past the last
record in the data source
· (Note: If the user browses past the last record in the data
79. Different Properties of a field.
· Allow Edit: This property specifies whether the field can be changed.
This property can't remove a restriction imposed by the table field, security
settings, or the data source.
· Enabled: The enabled property specifies whether the user can access
the control. If the field is disabled it will be grayed and the used can not
give focus to the control.
· Visible: This property can be used to remove a field from the user
interface. The same property exists on the database field and should be
specified here if the option should apply system wide.
· Allow Edit: This property specified whether the field can be added to
the design by the user. Because the default value is restricted, the default
behavior of forms is set so that extra information cannot be added to the form.
In order to add a field to a design, two prerequisites must be met.
· The AllowAdd property on the datasource field must allow the field to
be added.
· The container where the field is to be added must allow full user
Mandatory: This option determines if it is required to fill in data
in this field. The same property exists on the database field and should be
specified here if the option should apply system wide.
80. Which is the best practice followed for placing code?
ANS: To program system wide logic which is tight related to a record,
we should place the logic in object methods on the table. The table which
inherits from the kernel class xRecord has many events we can override and
supplement with our logic.
If we are to put the X++ code in the form, try to avoid programming
on the design and put our logic on the data source. Many events on the design
are very dependant on exactly how the user is navigating the form. The
programming on the controls does not take the user possibility to modify the
contents of the form into account.
81. What does FormRun.Init method do?
ANS: This method initializes the form and its objects and is the
first event we can override in connection with the start up of the form.
82. What is the importance of super call method in
ANS: Never remove the super () call from this method, as this removes
the initialization of all the objects.
83. How to do manual initializations in FormRun.Init?
ANS: If you want to make some manual initializations this is
typically placed in this method. This could include the following tasks:
· Verification of the contents of the args-object received
· Initialization of supporting classes
· Dynamically changes to the design
84. What is FormRun.Close method used for?
ANS: This method shuts down the form. If we have some cleanup in
connection with finishing the execution of the form, this will be the
85. What is FormDataSource.Init method used for?
· This method initializes the data source and is called from the super
() of FormRun.Init (). The method will only be called once when the form is
· The main task for this method is to initialize the query used for
fetching data.
· If we want to modify or replace the query automatically created by
the form, this should be done after the super () call of this method.
86. FormDataSource.InitValue Method?
· This method is used to initialize a new record with default values.
The super () of this method calls the corresponding method on the underlying
table, which in turn invokes the record template functionality.
· If we have some initialization which should apply system wide, you
should place the code on the table.
87. FormDataSource.Active Method?
· This event is called when a new record becomes active in the data
source and is typically overridden to change properties which depend on the
contents of the current record:
o Modify access rights to the data source
o Modify access rights to the fields
o Enable/Disable buttons
88. Where is the specification of fields stored in report?
ANS: AutoDesignSpecs
89. How many generated designs we can have in a report
ANS: 1
90. What is the sequence of events while a report is
ANS: Init, Run, Prompt, Fetch, Print
91. If AutoHeader property of the query is set to Yes, where will this
get reflected?
ANS: Report
92. Through overriding of which method of report we can restrict the user
to see only certain records which are not possible through the range
ANS: Fetch
93. Through overriding of which method we can hide the columns or parts
of report?
ANS: Execute Section
94. If the design is similar for more than one report what is the best
solution in developing such reports?
ANS: Use Report Templates.
95. What are query criteria operators?
ANS: = =,!=, >, <, ..(Range)
96. Name few X++ classes/Coreclasses related to Queries?
ANS: Query, QueryRun,
QueryBuildRange, QueryBuildDataSource, QueryBuildLink.
97. How many sorting fields we can add to a query?
ANS: we can add many. But adding many will slow down the query
1. Can we add index as a sort filed?
ANS: Yes. Only one index we can add.
2. Which operator we can use to give the range between two
ANS: the ..(two
3. How can I see the result of the Query written in Queries node in
ANS: We need to write a job to see the result of a
4. How do we use expressions in query ranges?
ANS: Using the strfmt() function
EX write a query to get all the customers from the custtable where
custgroup belogs to 50 and currency is “CAD”.
· qr1=qbr1.addRange(fieldNum(custtable,dataareaid));
· qr1.value(strfmt('((CustGroup=="%1") &&
5. When using the Enum in the Range filed of the Query, What should be
used? Enum value or Enum ID?
ANS: EnumID should be used. String value can’t be used.
6. What does the fetch mode on Queries means?
ANS: Determines whether the data sources should be related through a
1:1 relation or a 1:n relation.
7. What does the Autosum property on Query on reports
ANS: Determines if a group total is printed when the value in this
field changes.
8. What are the best practices for creating the variables in the
· Do not create object member variables that do not hold the state of
the object. Pass these values as arguments.
· Do not create an object member only because a variable of that type
and name is needed in more than one method in the object. Create the variable in
each place it is needed.
9. What are the best practices for class wide constants?
ANS: If you have to declare some constants that will be used in more
than one method in the class or its subclasses, declare these constants in the
class declaration (by using the #define technique).
10. What is the use of init method of a class and what are the best
practices checks for it?
Yes if you need to carry out any special initialization tasks after
class instantiation and after the setting of class variables by using accessor
methods, such logic should be placed in a private method called init.
Init methods should be protected, and should have a void return type,
or else a Boolean return type if initialization can go wrong, so that an error
can be thrown.
11. What is the best practices check for destructors?
· The finalize method should not normally be used (leave it empty, do
not call it). X++ objects are destructed when there are no more references to
· The finalize method will destruct an object when it is called,
regardless of how many references there are to that object.
· There are no implicit calls to finalize; it is not called
automatically when the object is destructed. If you define a finalize method,
you must have explicit calls to it.
12. What is the use of client and server modifiers for a
· These qualifiers are used for Application Object Server (AOS) tuning,
where the task is to minimize the traffic between the client and the server.
They are relevant only for table methods and static class methods, because other
methods (class instance methods) run where their class is
· If a method is running on the server and only makes a single call to
the client, it is okay to keep it on the server. If a method makes more than one
call, move it to the client and then return it.
· If a method is running on the client and only makes a single call to
the server, it is okay to keep it on the client. If a method makes more than one
call, move it to the server and then return it.
13. When it is appropriate to make a method static?
· It does not use the instance member variables or fields that are
defined for the class.
· It is not going to be overridden.
· It runs better on a different tier than the object itself.
· It is related to the class or table, but it does not have its origin
in a single object (instance).
14. What is the use of abstract modifier in a method?
ANS: Use the abstract qualifier when a method has to be implemented
in a subclass. Even if it has no effect, it serves as documentation.
15. What is an index?
ANS: An index is a table-specific database structure that speeds the
retrieval of rows from the table. Indexes are used to improve the performance of
data retrieval and sometimes to ensure the existence of unique
16. How one can create a unique index?
ANS: By setting up the “allow duplicate property” to No.
17. Can we disable an index?
ANS: Yes
18. Which element maintains database consistency when a record is
ANS: Delete Action
19. Specify the type of delete actions?
ANS: Cascade, restricted, Cascade + restricted
20. What is system index?
ANS: Microsoft Dynamics AX requires a unique index on each table so
if there are no indexes on a table or all the indexes are disabled, a system
index is automatically created. The system index is created on the RecId and
DataAreaId fields if the DataAreaId field exists. Otherwise the system index is
created on the RecId field. You can see system indexes in the database but they
aren't visible in the AOT.
21. What will happen if one add a delete action to a table and use
delete_from statement?
ANS: database performance will be slow
22. What is the use of configuration key in Ax?
ANS: Configuration keys allow administrators to enable or disable
features in the application for all users. Disabling features helps to minimize
the attack surface against potential attacks.
23. Where one can setup the configuration key?
ANS: Configuration keys are applied by setting the Configuration Key
property on these objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT).
24. Can we apply a configuration key on table field and report’s
ANS: Yes
25. Can we create a new configuration key?
ANS: Yes
26. What is the use of security key in Ax?
ANS: Security keys allow administrators to set security on a user
group level. Minimizing access on a user group level helps to reduce the attack
surface against potential attacks.
27. What are all the main reasons to apply user-level
· Allow users to do only their designated tasks.
· Protect sensitive data in the database.
· Prevent users from inadvertently breaking an application by changing
code or objects on which the application depends.
28. What is use of AOSAuthorization table property?
ANS: The AOSAuthorization table property enables you to specify which
data access operations must undergo user permission checking.
29. What are fundamental data access operations for AOS authorization
table property? And how one can use it?
ANS: The four fundamental data access operations are create, read,
update, and delete. These operations are represented in combinations by the
following AOSAuthorization enumeration values:
· None
· CreateDelete
· UpdateDelete
· CreateUpdateDelete
· CreateReadUpdateDelete
No permission checking is done when the AOSAuthorization property is
set to none.
Suppose AOSAuthorization is set to CreateDelete on a given table. In
this case, create and delete operations would be allowed to execute only if the
Application Object Server (AOS) can confirm that the user has the appropriate
30. What is default value of AOSAuthorization table property when a new
table will be created?
ANS: When a new table is created, its AOSAuthorization value is set
to none.
31. Will AOSAuthorization property be used for views?
ANS: Yes
32. What is code access security?
· Code Access Security (CAS) helps protect APIs that have potential
security risks when the APIs are running on the server.
· CAS-enabled APIs called on the server require the use of a permission
class—one of the classes derived from CodeAccessPermission.
33. How data authorization in Microsoft Dynamics Ax is
· Data authorization in Microsoft Dynamics AX is performed in three
· Implicit authorization
· Checks done by setting security properties on Application Object Tree
(AOT) objects
· Checks done in X++
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